Wednesday 8 May 2013

Our Final Piece

Below is our final piece titled AEON we are very pleased with the outcome and believe it gives a professional look but at the same time remains simple and easy to follow

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation Questions 1 and 2 Part 2

This the second part of my evaluation for questions 1 and 2.

The question in this was "In what does your media product show specific social groups"

Please skip to 43 seconds in the clip as although I edited the clip down for some reason it didn't work

Questions 1 and 2 Evaluation Part 1

My video response to these questions has had to be split into 2 parts due to its length and size of file.

--The first question was, In what way does your film         use develop or challenge products of media?

However the interviewer split the question into 2 parts so I could further explain my point.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Evaluation Questions 5,6 and 7

the audio files I embedded to the power point didn't work when it was transferred to scribd so instead the video has all the talking. please play the video then use the power point for visual aids.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Music For Our Sequence

Recently in our theory lessons we have started looking at the music industry. We have been learning about the big four and started doing case studys on our own independent record label and Sony.

These lessons have made our group start to think about the music used in our opening sequence and that composing it wont be as easy as we thought. <----- A link to sony's website <------ A link to my independent record company used in my case study

When planning our project the music slowly got moved further and further towards the end of the to do list as our main priority was getting all of the filming sorted first. Now that we have finished our filming we turned to the music problem to see how we could solve it.

Our original plan was to use a local band called Monday Comas music as 2 members of our group are in the band. However although the band was happy for us to use any of their music so long as we had the bands name featured in the titles we couldnt decided which song suited our sequence as although the tune fits perfectly the lyrics arent as upbeat as we want our film to seem.

People may look on this problem as something very minor but the soundtrack to a film says alot about the film itself. For example you wouldnt use a dubstep/elctro track on a romatic comedy you would use it on an action thriller possibly.

A good example of soundtracks used in film is all of the bond films. They all use a rememerable theme tune which tends to sell well before and after the film due to the synergy used by the producers of the film and of the track itself.

This is the song we will be using for our film.

Monday 18 March 2013

Filming/Editing Session

In this lesson all of the group were present however again we split into the same 2 pairs as last lesson but instead of putting together music Lauren and Ben went out into Woodstock to finsih of the filming whilst me and Izzy sat and edited the final few scenes together.

above is all of the footage we have together bar a few scenes which I still have to add in but have been filmed.

We are very pleased with the quick change part of the film as we think it quickens up the pace as to not make it boring but also shows the average week of our charachter and the indecesion of her not even knowing what to wear.

Please leave a comment or 2 on how we can improve our sequence or the parts you find good.